Potentiometer Mounting 3
The new supports with the rings built in were finished printing and here you can see them attached to the rest of it:
The seemed to work well except for one big problem which I did not catch earlier. When I first designed them, I realized
that the teeth on the clamp were too low and didn’t close properly on the pots. To fix this, I raised them up but making
the back part a millimeter taller, which seemed to work. The problem with this is that the bottom plane of the part that
sticks into the next pot is at the same level as the rest of the part. This is fine when it is all the same, but with the
clamp 1mm higher they interfere. Since it’s all made of plastic, it bends pretty easily so I didn’t think it was a problem.
The bending was not just in the mounts though, the potentiometers also bent. When these potentiometers bend, it messes up
the internal mechanism and they read 0. Here you can see it working normally, and then after it is bent:
I fixed this as well as some other problems, like the walls being slightly too thin, and I am going to print them out again.
I haven’t really messed with the Unity program since I got it working, but I realized that there is not much to do besides move it around. Eventually I want to put IR tracking or something similar on it so that I can track it in space as well as all of the joints, but for now I think it will just use the keyboard to move it around. I added a floor and a ball to go on top that you can flick around. If I have enough time I might make some sort of game to play with it.